Your first visit
You may be surprised that my first visit will take between 1.5 hours to 2.0 hours. This will allow thorough understanding of your conditions including history of your current health concerns, medical and family histories, laboratory work assessments, and social and emotional factors. I may also perform relevant physical examinations, and order appropriate laboratory works to fully understand your concerns. Based on this first visit, I will formulate individualized treatment plan. First visit may also includes actual hands-on treatment like acupuncture & moxibustion, medical qigong, or therapeutic massages if appropriate to your case.
The goal of the treatment is to restore your health and to prevent illnesses.
Before the visit: We encourage you to fill out our online intake forms before your first appointment. It contains a lot of information; however, this information will become a great tool for us to see for the root cause, and restore your health.
Follow up visits:
Follow up visit will usually take 45 minutes to 1 hour. We will assess the effectiveness of your treatment plan, and make modifications if necessary. In acute cases, we may request you to come back in two to three days to access your conditions as well as providing necessary treatments, and prevent the conditions to resolve as quickly as possible. In chronic cases, you may return in one to four weeks to assess your conditions. All of the treatments are tailored to each one of you, therefore, follow up schedules are all different.
15 minutes free consultation:
We offer a 15 minutes free consultation which will provide you an opportunity to find out how our health services can support you solve your health concerns. You can ask questions about our approach, how your visit is going to be like, and decide whether you would like to set up an appointment with us.
The goal of the treatment is to restore your health and to prevent illnesses.
Before the visit: We encourage you to fill out our online intake forms before your first appointment. It contains a lot of information; however, this information will become a great tool for us to see for the root cause, and restore your health.
Follow up visits:
Follow up visit will usually take 45 minutes to 1 hour. We will assess the effectiveness of your treatment plan, and make modifications if necessary. In acute cases, we may request you to come back in two to three days to access your conditions as well as providing necessary treatments, and prevent the conditions to resolve as quickly as possible. In chronic cases, you may return in one to four weeks to assess your conditions. All of the treatments are tailored to each one of you, therefore, follow up schedules are all different.
15 minutes free consultation:
We offer a 15 minutes free consultation which will provide you an opportunity to find out how our health services can support you solve your health concerns. You can ask questions about our approach, how your visit is going to be like, and decide whether you would like to set up an appointment with us.
Treatment Focus
Angela's focuses are in the area of pain management, women's health, mental/emotional health, and infertility.
Women's HealthAngela's passions is to support women throughout their life cycle. Women’s health covers but not limited to the issues around menstruation, preparation for the conception, pregnancy related complications, support during postpartum, nursing, uterine and ovarian related diseases, problems around menopause period, supportive care of breast cancer, surgery recovery, and prevention. She looks into your life style, diet, family histories, hormonal balances, and adrenal/thyroid functions to treat the root cause of those issues. Angela will work with you to have long lasting outcome from the treatments and help you learn how to maintain your own health.
FertilityOur goal for fertility treatment is not only for you to get pregnant, but to help you to have a healthy baby and healthy life. Dr. Mimi has unique and integrated approach to fertility issues. She incorporates both Oriental and Western natural therapies. Example of the therapies include acupuncture & moxibustion, Chinese herbs, medical nutritions, and mind-body techniques. She also looks into your basal body temperature, hormonal panels, ovarian and uterus conditions, sperm counts etc. Dr. Mimi sees herself as a part of your medical network team members and work with you and your medical doctors and midwifes to create a treatment plan that works best for you.
Pain ManagementPain is the leading cause of doctor’s visit. You may be surprised how whole body condition is related to your pain. She helps you manage your pain, work together to support you to do things you love without pain. Combination of acupuncture & moxibustion with various type of therapeutic massage help you relax your muscles as well as balancing your whole body. For some people, acupuncture and therapeutic massage have quick effects in your body to control your pain.
Mental/Emotional HealthDr. Mimi’s passion is always to help support people who is suffering from their mental and emotional health issues. It can be stress related, depression, anxiety, bipolar, schizophrenia, ADD, ADHD, and Autism. She applies variety of therapies and techniques to help you and support your family members to go thought the process together. She analyzes the conditions from multiple angles including food/environmental allergies, family and medical histories, vaccination, deficiencies in nutritions, hormonal balances, and from Chinese diagnosis.
Condition Treated
You are all different and unique. Two people with same diagnosis may have two different root causes, therefore, two different treatment approach to restore each person’s health.
In our clinic, we work with you to tailor the treatment that best suit your needs and conditions.
In our clinic, we work with you to tailor the treatment that best suit your needs and conditions.
However, some people may find it helpful to have some examples of what conditions can be addressed by our clinic.
Following is a partial list of conditions that are treated, but not limited to:
Following is a partial list of conditions that are treated, but not limited to: